

There are many ways our office supports student organizations as they are planning events. 您将在下面找到有关如何处理付款的信息以及有关两种不同类型的学生组织帐户的信息. If you have any questions please contact the student organization support 工作人员.
Note: Payments cannot be processed unless there is adequate funding in the account.


Paying for Event Decorations or Supplies:
支付物品并提交 付款申请表格 报销
Complete the Student Organization Purchasing Card Request form. 然后去见洛莉(lalaudenbach@dctdsj.com) to purchase items using Student Organization Purchasing Card.

Paying for Conference Registration Fees:
支付注册费用并提交 付款申请表格 报销
Complete the Student Organization Purchasing Card Request Form. Then meet with Lori to purchase items using Student Organization Purchasing Card.

Paying for Travel Accommodations for Conferences (飞机或酒店):
*请带备填妥/签署的表格 Student Organization Travel Authorization Form
付款和提交 付款申请表格 报销
Complete the Student Organization Purchasing Card Request Form. 然后去见洛莉(lalaudenbach@dctdsj.com) to purchase items using Student Organization Purchasing Card.

Print the invoice and have your adviser sign the bottom, 写“OK to pay”, and the Student Organization Account Number.
将已签署的发票交给Lori (lalaudenbach@dctdsj.com) 来处理

Paying for printing or copies for your organization at Copies Plus:
As the 工作人员 for the charge form and write your student organization number. The printing costs will be billed directly to your account.

Paying for a Speaker, Performer, DJ, 等.:
Student Organization must fill out the 合约资料表
与Lori会面(lalaudenbach@dctdsj.com) 开始承包过程

Purchasing at Target, Amazon or Walmart:
与Lori会面(lalaudenbach@dctdsj.com), DCI Office Manager, to order items directly and bill to your university account .


900 account: Account where dues, donations, funds raised monies are to be deposited. To be used for purposes of student organization operations. (To find about your account; stop by 校园参与部 (阿特伍德纪念中心-134) or contact the 学生组织及支援人员)

  • 存款形式
    • To deposit organization’s money generated through different fund- raising events
  • Process for Spending Money with 900 Account
  • 开立900账户
  • 融资政策
    • 使用 筹款核对表 (PDF) for all your fundraising or philanthropy events. 这个有用的指南是一个很好的资源,以确保从你的活动的钱被有效地处理,还包括有用的技巧和筹款的例子.
    • 食品销售:
      • 任何食品相关的销售在校园任何地方必须通过哈士奇餐饮批准和协调. 
      • Contact Huskies Dining Catering at 320-308-4295
    • 运动俱乐部:
      • 任何涉及体育俱乐部使用大学娱乐设施的活动必须通过校园娱乐协调
    • 学生宿舍:
      • 任何使用宿舍设施的活动或节目必须通过住宿生活部门协调
    • 人类拍卖:
      • 包括出售的拍卖, 投标, or in any way paying for person’s individual company or services are prohibited
    • 机会/抽奖游戏:
      • 禁止在校园或大学赞助的活动中以金钱或其他有价值的东西赌博,除非法律允许(包括但不限于宾果游戏), 莱佛士, 运动括号, 等.)
      • Drawings are permitted where winner is selected randomly
      • 学生组织支援人员可以协助策划活动或回答具体的赌博问题
    • 有关更多信息和所有筹款政策,请参阅学生组织指南中的筹款部分.
  • 校园筹款
  • 校外/社区筹款
    • 使用 筹款核对表 (PDF) for all your fundraising or philanthropy events. Following the checklist will insure money from your event is processed efficiently. The checklist has tips for success and fundraising examples.
    • 校外的慈善, not-for-profit and commercial enterprises offer programming opportunities, 通常包括销售. 这些课程可以在注册学生组织的共同赞助下进入校园.
    • It is recommended that when planning an off-campus fundraiser, 组织在安排活动之前必须获得私有财产所有者的书面许可. The permission form should include the date of the event, 事件类型, what the student organization will be doing, 参与人数, 联系人姓名, 地址及电话, 以及安全的类型, 如果有必要的话. If more detailed arrangements are required, a written contract is recommended. A contract protects both parties and clearly spells out agreements in writing.
    • 对于校外活动和涉及体力活动的活动,应考虑保险. A written disclaimer giving participants notice of risk should be provided. 查看我们的模板 免除法律责任表格 (PDF).
      • Step 1: Contact your local Vendor who can provide fundraising opportunity; and get their information (name, 电子邮件, 经理电话号码).
      • Step 2: Complete fundraising application provided by the vendor.
      • Step 3: Contact the 学生组织及支援人员 with any questions
    • 如果公司/组织要求免税表格以完成筹款申请,请联系学生组织支持人员.
  • 资金来源
    • This is not an exhaustive list of funding sources. Student organizations are encouraged to seek other funding sources that comply with St. 云州 and 校园参与部 policies.
    • 参议院财政委员会自由余额和储备资金:注册学生组织可以在整个学年通过自由余额和/或储备资金申请资金. To be eligible to request reserve or free balance funding, organizations must have been registered with the University for at least 16 weeks.
    • 会员费:注册的学生组织必须在其章程中有一个会员部分,并每年审查并向校园参与部提交章程. Student organizations may charge membership dues as listed in their constitution, and are encouraged to set the dues at a level that encourages student involvement.
    • 筹款活动:一个成功的筹款活动可以为一个组织做的比筹集资金更多. The event can commemorate an important day or week, 建立小组和校园社区, 为新成员提供活动策划经验,并为组织提供校园和社区知名度的机会. 关于筹款的更多信息可以在本指南的筹款部分找到.
    • 食品销售:学生组织可以通过阿特伍德纪念中心行政办公室预订烧烤野餐筹款活动. All food sales must be done in coordination with Chartwells. Chartwells 工作人员 can be reached at 320-308-4295.
    • 文化多样性补助金:文化多样性委员会每年向教师征求建议, 工作人员, management and students that address cultural diversity. 指导方针包括强调学生招聘领域的文化多样性倡议, 学生保留, and faculty/工作人员 retention of domestic groups of racial and ethnic minorities. Projects may also address the areas of curriculum, campus and community environment. 有关此奖助金的问题,请致电320308-4928与文化多样性委员会主席联络.
    • 共同赞助/合作:建议学生组织与其他学生组织或校园部门合作和/或共同赞助活动,以分担活动的费用,并吸引更广泛的受众.
    • 供应商赞助:欢迎学生组织邀请供应商赞助他们的活动或他们自己的部分活动. 校园参与部的工作人员可以回答有关供应商赞助的问题. 学生组织应遵循有关供应商赞助的适当促销标准.
    • 任何不适当的赞助者都将被告知校园参与部办公室,并将通过下文解释的程序进行调查. 云州's Student Code of 社区 Standards.

Senate Finance Committee (SFC) Account [334]

334 Account: Account where the funds allocated by Senate Finance Committee are deposited. Fund includes Free Balance, Speaker/Entertainer, Equipment purchase, Interpreters. (Not sure if your organization has an account or want know more; contact Senate Finance Committee.) 

参议院财政委员会(SFC)是学生政府委员会下属的一个委员会,负责为圣乔治大学的学生组织分配资金. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城

2023 - 2024年的信息

  • 所有参议院财政委员会的政策和表格都可以在他们的HuskiesConnect简介中找到。 点击这里.
    • Once a club or organization is approved for funding through SFC, there are two ways to spend the allocated money from 334 account:







学生组织的领导可以通过到校园参与部的前台(Atwood 134)或通过给学生组织的支持人员发邮件来获取他们的活期账户(900或334)余额,他们可以提供最新的信息. 为了保护我们的学生组织, 帐户号码和余额只会提供给赫斯基连接名册上列出的领导或他们的教职员工顾问. 


责任豁免 (医生) 
版权的要求 (PDF)